miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Top 10 Environmental Blogs

Top 10 Environmental Blogs

Posted by johntarantino1 on Friday, December 10, 2010 · Comments (0)

top environmental blogsThere are so many green or environmental blogs that have come out over the years. But which ones are worth reading and which ones are not? Well I've put together a list of environmental blogs which are my most favorite and which are definitely worth a read.

1. The Environmental Blog - We know there are so many environmental blogs on the Internet, but of course we have to put ourselves on the top of the list. The Environmental Blog has gone through a major re-construction and we are poising ourselves for huge growth. The Environmental Blog is an environmental justice, human rights, green tech, green living, and sustainable online news magazine.

2. The Huffington Post Green - The Huffington Post is one of the most comprehensive news sources online today. They have a great set of writers that are solely dedicated to green news.

3. Inhabitat - is a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.

4. TreeHugger - is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, they strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information.

5. Eco Geek - they try to answer those everyday questions that come up so you know what you can do to help the planet. But it’s not just about the planet – they want everyone to save money and time, be healthier, and Y! Green covers that, too.

6. Eco Chick - A modern girl's guide to living fabulously green. They also have a published book that you should check out.

7. Green Is Sexy - Learn how much water it takes to create a pair of jeans or a pint of beer, then figure out how to ... Green Is Sexy.

8. Stop Global Warming - Global warming isn't opinion. It's a scientific reality. The science shows that human activity has made enormous impacts to our planet that affect our well-being and survival. We can however begin to make significant repairs to reverse those impacts but only through immediate action. That's why this site urges you to join and have your voice counted.

9. The Sierra Club - Since 1892, the Sierra Club has been working to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself. They are the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States.

10. Environmental Graffiti - A blog that is written by the people who visit it. Users submit news written with environmental backgrounds of all types.

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